The exodus of Sindhi Hindus from Sindh half a century ago, is not the first catastrophe to befall Sindh. There have been several in the past, in the 8th, 11th, 16th, 18th and now in the 20th century. Victims of circumstances, Sindhi Hindus had to overnight bid adieu to their homeland and migrate elsewhere. However, wherever they migrated they have always scaled great heights with their hard work, perseverance and intelligence. Their achievements and success has not been restricted only to themselves but has always included neighbors and well wishers also. Due to this trait, the Sindhis have always been respected and honored all over the globe.
Just as it was said the Sun never sets on the British Empire, in the same way it is always above the head of a Sindhi, in some or other corner of the world. The other quality about Sindhis is that they have always loved and been faithful to the land that offered them shelter – be it their homeland or the place they make their abode for their livelihood i.e. Janambhoomi or Karmabhoomi. They may bow their heads at the altars of temples, mosques and gurdwaras, but they always revere their homeland.